• Energy Healing

    Everything is energy, & energy is everything. Join me on this journey to live a life fully aligned with your true joy & purpose.

Hi, I am Bonita Choi O’Neill

An intuitive guide, sound and energy healer and teacher, and EFT practitioner. I help clients of all ages and walks of life through our in-person sessions in Amsterdam, and distance healing sessions for clients in other parts of the Netherlands, Hong Kong and globally.

In my practice, I facilitate and hold space for you to heal past wounds and to nurture your needs. By clearing mental, emotional and physical blockages, old belief systems and patterns that hold us back, I ultimately help you see, and make choices that align to your highest purpose and joy; in raising your energy, you become the vibrational match to your life purpose and desires. Then, you begin to operate in the space where life becomes fun, easy, in flow - join me to feel the “ah-ha” magic that were always meant for us.

Location Southside Healing

Emmaplein 7A, Oud-Zuid, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Sessions with Bonita take place at Stories, on Emmaplein 7A, right next to the beautiful, luscious Vondelpark in Oud-Zuid Amsterdam.

The in-person sessions are privately tucked behind two doors, in a cocoon-like room. And our monthly small group energetic soundbaths welcome in the daylight on the Ground Floor in the shared space.



    I use a combination of Intuitive Energy healing, Vortex, Reiki and psychic clearing techniques in our sessions to feel, sense and clear any blockages in your system, in a safe, relaxed environment.

    While I have been trained by many energy and reiki teachers, I am a 4th generation Usui Reiki Master with a pure lineage from Dr Mikao Usui from Kyoto, and use this depth in our private sessions for you heal old wounds, and release.


    Sound is a powerful way to heal the body and rebalance the mind. E.g. listening to 432 HTZ helps us ground and connect to peace.

    I use a combination of crystal bowls, metal gong, and chimes in my private and group soundbaths to release obstacles and restore wellness for you in a private or group soundbath.


    EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique), deep yoga poses, and ancient Eastern sciences such as cupping, uses the body’s meridian points to release tension, trauma and old conditioning.

    I am trained in the above to help you see clearly, process and ultimately, shed conditioned patterns that no longer serve you, in order to live the fullest expression of your life.

Reiki & Energy Healing

Rediscover your life passion, joy, and purpose; and transform yourself - to live the fullest expression of your life, once and for all.

Click to play.

What clairpsychic are you?

Learning about your psychic gifts - or 'clairs' - is an important step in our intuitive development. Is your gift clairvoyance, clairaudience, claircognisance, or a different 'clair'? Find out your psychic clair-ability in this quiz here.


  • Like you would prepare for a massage, I always advise drinking plenty of water before or after an energy healing session. Energy healing works on deep layers, so water and rest help to continue to detoxify and integrate the changes into your systems.

  • During the treatment, you may feel better immediately, feeling a sense of peace, relief from pain, and greater mental clarity.

    I draw parallels between receiving an energy healing like a deep massage or a yoga class. Energy healing works on a deep level, and because shifts happen, you will often experience a release.

    Because the healing works as an energetic release, you may also feel more tired, emotional or physical discomfort. Like cleaning a dirty attic - your body is clearing out the "dust and dirt" in your system. The discomfort surfaces to be then released. This process is safe, and clients who experience this report feeling lighter afterwards.

    Trust the process, and allow whatever that comes up to be felt, purged, and let go; and know that this is ultimately beneficial.

  • Clients can work after the healing session, though I suggest giving yourself at least 15 minutes to gently “land” back to daily routine. Because shifts occur, take the time to check in with yourself, just like you would after a massage or an acupuncture treatment. Use this space to reflect, meditate, or take a slow walk. You booked yourself an energy healing session, so prioritise and give yourself the time to digest and process the healing. And when you return to work, enjoy the renewed sense of self and perhaps, with even, with greater clarity.

  • Yes! Read all about energy healing for children and young adults at the bottom of my page here.

  • Distance healing is a natural part of energy medicine such as Reiki, Psychic Healing, and Vortex Healing. The distance between me and you (the client) makes no difference. Like our in-person sessions, I tap and connect into your energetic systems, and work on what needs to be cleared and released.

    How does distance healing work?

    Einstein, among others, had theorised this “spooky action at a distance” as Quantum Entanglement. David Bohm furthered this notion with quantum interconnectedness in that subatomic particles and energy waves “communicate” and are ultimately part of an integrated whole.

    In simplified terms, distance healing works because we are all connected through a common energetic field - qi, also known as ki, prana, universal energy, or bioenergy.

    Many of my overseas clients experience regular, often monthly, distance healing sessions, where we work together to release the blockages in your systems. Their reported effects are the same as in-person sessions.

  • I usually recommend once every month (2-6 weeks) for energy healing. Here are some reasons below:

    • We pick up on other people’s energies and emotions constantly and over time this accumulates

    • Emotional stress and trauma takes time and consumes energy to process and heal

    • Clients want to work on deeper levels of clearing unconscious conditioning

    • Energy healing supports the treatment of Physical Ailments such as cancer, eye issues, old and fresh injuries, arthritis, and so forth

    • After working through the initial sessions of coping with for example, severe stress, clients begin to “wake up” to a deeper calling of their life due to the energy work, and continue to take this path to deepen their life purpose

    My regular clients usually come once a month for healing. Just like in a marathon, think of our sessions as a water point stop, where I pass you your much needed water and supplies before you continue on.

  • You can send me a Whatsapp here or directly message me on my Instagram account here to book a slot for a private, in-person session at my location in Amsterdam, or a distance healing outside of Amsterdam.